martes, 12 de febrero de 2008

My letter to...

Maracaibo 02-10-2008
Mr. Di' Martino

I'm writing this letter because I want to congratulate you because of your labor as the mayor of Maracaibo. I also want to thank you for your interest in maintaining clean the city and, for paying more attention in the public services, for instance the 'Vereda del Lago'

As you know, there are no perfection in this life. So I have to inform you my personal opinion about something that really bothers at the population of this city, I'm talking about your horrible face that we always see on the billboards. It’s necessary to publish your face for any reason? It is worth mentioning that the photomontages made with Photoshop (to appear next to the president of our country) are terrible. We do detest the fact of giving our money to FARC, and that you always are wearing a red flannel, that's too much girly

What I’m trying to suggest you is just a simple thing which would make very happy at the population of Maracaibo, please resign to your labor as the major of this city.

Valles, Benito

[Miria y love you]

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